Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum TZM Rod
TZM (Titanium, Zirconium, Molybdenum)
Molybdenum's prime alloy is TZM. This alloy contains 99.2% min. to 99.5% max. of Mo, 0.50% Ti, and 0.08% Zr with a trace of C for carbide formations. TZM offers twice the strength of pure moly at temperatures over 1300'C. The recrystallization temperature of TZM is approximately 250'C higher than moly and it offers better weldability.
TAG:  TZM TZM Rod Titanium Zirconium
TZM is a micro-alloyed Molybdenum with titanium zirconium-carbides. By means of solid-solution and carbide-strengthening TZM features improved high-temperature strength up to 1400°C and a higher recrystallization temperature, compared to pure Molybdenum.
TAG:  TZM TZM Rod Titanium Zirconium